See Our Offerings

We are THe hub for Social Innovation and Impactful Entrepreneurship

Whether you’re a young entrepreneur with an idea or a corporation looking to make a better impact, the SEE is here to help. We specialize in the entrepreneurial journey, ecosystem building, engaging cross-sector collaborations, social hackathons, and making an impact. Identify yourself in the list below to find out how we can help you!


No matter where you are in your journey SEE acts as a guide to move you forward along your entrepreneurial pathway. Starting from ideation and rapid prototyping to customer discovery and identifying impact, all the way to investment readiness, our team has the expertise to help you at the stage that you’re in and in your own time.

SEE Incubator Program

Social Innovators

Are you looking to make an impact inside your organization or outside of it and don’t know how to get it off the ground? With a robust national network and local circles of knowledge and practice, SEE can connect you with the tools and people you need to make a positive change.


For C-level executives and owners, SEE offers a way to move beyond CSR and corporate philanthropy so that you can authentically find your deeper social purpose that employees and customers can rally behind. SEE can also offer professional development, space, and processes for corporate innovation to flourish, much like the journeys of our entrepreneurs and innovators. SEE believes that in order for innovation to happen, you need to get out of the office and into a creative and diverse setting where novel engagements, connections with startups, and new ideas prosper.

Charities & Non-Profits

Organizations looking to increase their impacts can use SEE in diverse ways depending on their needs. Leverage our community and expertise in order to better define and measure impact, increase long-term financial sustainability, become investment ready, or provide staff with professional development opportunities.

Academic Institutions

Connect your students with authentic and engaging opportunities to work with startups, entrepreneurs, innovators, and social enterprises. Be part of a greater community of practice that addresses complex social issues through innovation and entrepreneurship.


Social innovation is at the heart of what government needs most. Whether you’re looking for answers through cross-sector collaborations like systems mapping and labbing of a problem, or looking directly at social innovation tools, like SIBs, as solutions, SEE can help you with this process.

Community Members

Your voice is important for the health and sustainability of this ecosystem. Your participation in social hackathons or hive circles increases the likelihood of success for entrepreneurs, innovators, or cross-sector collaborations that create community wealth.

Interested in becoming an entrepreneur or innovator who can make real impact?

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